Friday, April 22, 2011

My Thought on Nintendo's Project Cafe

I am by no means an expert in the field of gaming news. However I have read alot of really interesting news over on my favorite site, The Escapist Magazine. So what we know so far is that it has been confirmed the controllers will feature a 6.5 inch screen, joystick, 8 buttons and a camera. Thoughts are it could look something along these lines (pictured right).

Rumors also say it will be running an ATI card that puts it a mark above the Xbox 360 and PS3 and the price point will be something like 400 dollars. [Source]

I for one, cannot wait for a hardcore gaming console that has some real grit to its graphical capabilities and don't take that as me saying I hate the wii. I love the wii its alot of fun. But this new console seems like its combining the DS, My TV, The Wii, and everything Nintendo which is just a really great way to make sure I LOVE IT.

I look forward to seeing if this is really going to be announced at E3, I mean shoot I haven't even gotten the 3DS yet and already Nintendo is shooting for the rest of my money.

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